Friday, July 11, 2014

Remove bars from Android screenshots

How to remove the Status Bar at the top and return/home/screens button bar on the bottom/side from Android screenshots, using commandline ImageMagick.

Portrait screenshot

Command :

convert -size 1080x1920 -extract 1080x1700+0+75 original_screenshot.png screenshot_after.png

1080x1920 is the original size of the image (portrait)
1080x1700 is the new size, +0+75 the x and y offset where the extraction starts
(sizes may differ if you have a phone with a different screensize and resolution)

Original portrait screenshot, before cropping
After cropping

Landscape screenshot

Command :

convert -size 1920x1080 -extract 1792x1005+0+75 original_screenshot.png screenshot_after.png

1920x1080 is the original size of the image (landscape)
1792x1005 is the new size, +0+75 the x and y offset where the extraction starts

(sizes may differ if you have a phone with a different screensize and resolution)


Original screenshot (landscape), before cropping

After cropping

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